Using the Gateway (recommended)
A Gateway
contract was developed to allow users to deploy their own identities using a managed Factory contract.
This makes easier to deploy identities using the same address across multiple chains as long as the factory is
deployed on the desired network.
There are three differents ways and associated methods to deploy an ONCHAINID using a Gateway
deploys an identity for a given wallet address as a management key and as the salt. If the signer intends to deploy an identity for their own wallet, this is probably the method to use.deployUsingGatewayWithSaltAndManagementKeys
deploys an identity for a given wallet using a custom salt and a list of keys to add to the identity. The identity owner won't be added as a management key, but key hashes listed as management keys keys will. This is useful if the signer wants to deploy an identity for a wallet for other keys than the wallet (for instance if it was lost) of with more than one management key.deployUsingGatewayWithSalt
deploys an identity for a given wallet as a management key using a custom salt.
These methods triggers a creation of a contract, therefore they do not return the deployed identity but instead the
transaction to be awaited. The created identity address can be retrieved in the events associated with the transaction
(albeit it can be pre-computed using the CREATE2 method, conveniently accessible via the Identity.computeDeploymentAddress({ factory, unprefixedSalt, implementationAuthority })
const expectedAddress = Identity.computeDeploymentAddress({
factory: '0x... Address of the factory contract - not the gateway contract.',
unprefixedSalt : 'custom salt or identity owner wallet',
implementationAuthorit: '0x... Address of the implementation authority contract used by the factory',
Except the deployUsingGatewayForWallet
that has no specific protection, the methods requires a signature from an
signer approved and trusted by the Gateway to deploy an identity using a custom salt and/or with a list of management
Authorized signers can sign the deployment:
const expiry = BigNumber.from(new Date().getTime()).div(1000).add(2 * 24 * 60 * 60);
const digest =
['string', 'address', 'string', 'uint256'],
['Authorize ONCHAINID deployment', '0x... identity owner', 'saltToUse', expiry],
const signature = await deploySigner.signMessage(
Or with management keys:
const expiry = BigNumber.from(new Date().getTime()).div(1000).add(2 * 24 * 60 * 60);
const digest =
['string', 'address', 'string', 'bytes32[]', 'uint256'],
'Authorize ONCHAINID deployment',
'0x.... identity owner',
ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address'], ['0x... address of management key'])),
const signature = await deploySigner.signMessage(
const { IdentitySDK } = require('@onchain-id/identity-sdk');
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider('kovan');
const signer = new ethers.Wallet('private key', provider);
const tx = await IdentitySDK.Identity.deployUsingGatewayForWallet({
gateway: gateway.address,
identityOwner: '0x...',
}, { signer });
const { IdentitySDK } = require('@onchain-id/identity-sdk');
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider('kovan');
const signer = new ethers.Wallet('private key', provider);
const tx = await IdentitySDK.Identity.deployUsingGatewayWithSalt({
gateway: gateway.address,
identityOwner: '0x...',
salt: 'saltToUse',
managementKeys: [
IdentitySDK.utils.encodeAndHash(['address'], ['0x... address of management key']),
signature: signature,
signatureExpiry: expiry,
}, { signer });
const { IdentitySDK } = require('@onchain-id/identity-sdk');
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider('kovan');
const signer = new ethers.Wallet('private key', provider);
const tx = await IdentitySDK.Identity.deployUsingGatewayWithSaltAndManagementKeys({
gateway: gateway.address,
identityOwner: '0x...',
salt: 'saltToUse',
signature: signature,
signatureExpiry: expiry,
}, { signer });
The Identity#deployNew()
method triggers a deploy transaction and return the deploying Identity, you can then wait
for the contract to be deployed. The key from the signer used to deploy the Identity will be
added as a MANAGEMENT Key of the Identity, hence giving them full access over the contract.
const { IdentitySDK } = require('@onchain-id/identity-sdk');
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider('kovan');
const DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY = 'deploy_private_key';
const deployWallet = new IdentitySDK.Providers.Wallet(DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY, provider);
const MANAGEMENT_KEY = ' key';
(async () => {
// Deploy a new Identity
const identity = await IdentitySDK.Identity.deployNew({
implementationAuthority: IdentitySDK.constants.implementationAuthorities.kovan, // Or provide your own address.
managementKey: MANAGEMENT_KEY,
}, {
signer: deployWallet,
}).then(identity => identity.deployed());
To deploy identities without using proxies or implementation authorities, please use the smart contract bytecodes
and ABIs provided in the @onchain-id/solidity
package. You'll also need a blockchain library, such as ethers
import ONCHAINID from "@onchain-id/solidity";
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
(async () => {
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider('kovan');
const signer = new ethers.Wallet('private key', provider);
const identityFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
const identity = await identityFactory.deploy(
await signer.getAddress(),
// waiting for the contract to be deployed
await identity.deployed();