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Interact with claim issuers

We provide an implementation of a Claim Issuer in the ONCHAINID repository. It supports signing claims using different keys and revoking claims. See the claim issuer interface requirements for more details on what functions are mandatory to implement for a Claim Issuer contract. The Claim Issuer we provide is also a full Identity, able to store claims for its address, and usage of the execute and approve methods.


The Identity SDK we provide offers helpers to interact with Claim Issuers and generate claims, see the Identity SDK pages for more info.


Deploying a Claim Issuer using the example contract:

const Onchainid = require('@onchain-id/solidity');
const ClaimIssuer = new ethers.ContractFactory(Onchainid.ClaimIssuer.abi, Onchainid.ClaimIssuer.bytecode, signer);
const claimIssuer = await ClaimIssuer.deploy(ownerAddress);

From the contract repository, it is also possible to use the convenient script with hardhat (make sure networks are configured in hardhat.config.ts, the claim issuer owner will be the first account defined for the selected network):

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-claim-issuer.ts --network <network>

Issuance of a claim

Issuing a claim does NOT require interaction with the contracts. In the implementation we provide, the signature of the claim is enough to attest its origin.

To issue a claim, the claim issuer must define the content of the claim, generate the digest of the claim, and sign it using a key authorized on the contrat for CLAIM purpose (purpose 3) or MANAGEMENT.

The digest of the claim is a keccak256 hash of the subject identity address, claim topic and claim data abi-encoded:

bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encode(identity, topic, data));

The structure of a claim and the content of data is not enforced. data can be:

  • A clear text string (JSON stringified, an URL, a word, a sentence, ...).
  • The hash of the content of the claim.
  • Empty

When data contains the hash of the content of the claim, we recommend using the sha256 hash of the properties of the claim:

privateData, // should include a unique random identifier.
publicData, // should include a unique random identifier.

Revocation of a claim

In the implementation we provide, the claim issuer can revoke a claim by calling the revokeClaimBySignature method. Only a MANAGEMENT key can execute this method.

The revocation is stored by keeping the claim signature in a mapping. This means this signature would never be valid again. The same claim issuer will never be able to issue the same claim with the same data for the same topic for the same identity address (because the signature would be identical to the one revoked).

The method revokeClaim by ID has been deprecated, as it depends on the identity contract to return the claim to be revoked. This prevents the Claim Issuer from revoking a claim that was not added to an identity contract.

Verification of a claim status

To verify the validity of a claim, a verifier must call the isClaimValid method on the Claim Issuer contract.


Note that the isClaimValid method takes the claim data as an argument. As with the addClaim method, whatever information is in the data, it will be public. Do NOT store sensitive information in the data field of a claim, event encrypted. data should only include public information or hash of sensitive information, properly salted.

bool isValid = claimIssuer.isClaimValid(identity, topic, data, signature);